Saturday 28 May 2016

Katy Perry's Dad Calls Her a "Devil Child" And Asks People to Pray For Her

Katy Perry's Dad Calls Her a "Devil Child" And Asks People to Pray For Her. Does this mean that her own father is ready to expose her alleged connection with the Illuminati? Watch now.

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Mark Dice is a media analyst and bestselling author who specializes in exposing the power mainstream media and celebrities have on shaping our culture. He has been featured on the History Channel's Decoded, Ancient Aliens, and America's Book of Secrets; Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura, Secret Societies of Hollywood on E! Channel, America Declassified on the Travel Channel, and is a frequent guest on Coast to Coast AM, The Alex Jones Show, and more. His viral videos have received more than 150 million views and have received international media attention. READ MARK'S BOOKS

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The Illuminati in Hollywood

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Sunday 15 May 2016

¡Katy Perry se desmaya en pleno concierto!?

Singer Natalie Grant Walks Out of Grammys After Katy Perry's "Satanic" P...

perry dildo up ass

owl 49 KATY PERRY represents ISIS the Whore of Babylon and she enters the
stadium riding ‘The Beast’

The Whore of Babylon or The Great Prostitute or Babylon the Great is a
Christian figure and also place of evil mentioned in the Book of Revelation In
the Bible. Her full title is given as "Babylon the Great, the Mother of
Prostitutes and Abominations of the Earth."

She likely symbolizes Sin and the 7 vices or 7 demons that Jesus has exorcised
and also represents an empire in the real world of the time, America with
similarities to the Roman or Egyptian empires of the past, including having
great military strength and the use of slavery in the construction of the
empire. She rides the first beast which is likely Death (see The Beast
(Revelation)), and symbolizes Sin leading to Death. Like all empires of the
past, it will fall, as prophesied in the Book of Revelation chapter 18. The
Bible reads in portions "Let one with understanding solve the

(Jesus and therefore GOD married the Whore of Babylon Katy Perry in June 2014
when she carried the STDs and venereal plague but after several exorcisms Katy
wanted children so the Lord God Almighty was summoned to rid Katy of the
diseases and make her fresh and clean for his son to Father her twins and what
does the dirty fucker do? Straight out with ex boyfriends and new pickups while
Katy leaves Jesus penniless in a council project with no food no money and
conjures up Black Magic Spells to disable him and provides photos of her

Jesus has bad fortune to be married to the Whore one Katy Perry a most sinful
woman who meets both criteria 1) She fornicates with hundreds of men in her
pornography unprotected and 2) Caught venereal diseases incurable so bad it was
a plague and GOD himself has to rid Katy Perry of this abomination SHE CANNOT
take yourself a wife of harlotry

And children of harlotry,

For the land has committed great harlotry

By departing from the LORD." (Hosea 1:2 NKJV)[34]

also believed that the primary location of this unfaithful church is Hollywood

Jehovah's Witnesses believe that the Whore of Babylon represents "the
world empire of false religion",[44] referring to all other religious
groups including, but not limited to, Christendom, which they use to refer to
"professed Christianity" as opposed to their own "true
Christianity". Jehovah's Witnesses literature often mentions Hollywood the
centre of false idols those who are revered by the sheep as Idols but only
offer porn drug abuse and standards of life that should be unseen by good men
let alone the children discussing the Great Harlot of Babylon and the
subsequent attack on her by the political powers, signalling the beginning of
the "great tribulation".[45][46] They believe that the empire of
false religion has persecuted God's people, and that 'false religion' has
committed "fornication" with the world's political and commercial

And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE
International Version uses "prostitutes" instead of
"harlots"]. Katy Perry is known as MOM and is a prostitute to the
porn industry.

With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the
inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.
["Fornication" is interpreted/translated as "idolatry" in
the Amplified Bible (AMP), the New American Bible mentions

The Whore is associated with the Antichrist and the Beast of Revelation by
connection with an equally evil kingdom. AMERICA (The word "Whore"
can also be translated metaphorically as "Idolatress").[1] The
Whore's apocalyptic downfall is prophesied to take place in the hands of the
image of the beast One sabre tooth tiger and already Katy Perry begins to quake
for she knows only one man who can transform himself into the sabre tooth
tiger; her husband Jesus and wishes she hadn’t let him get to close for his
enlightening discoveries of her wickedness and bitterly regrets the torture she
handed out to him over 2 years attempting Monarch mind control MK Ultra and
quickly decides to love him and invite him to her party and go public with the
facts that Orlando Bloom will not accompany her to the Grammys or return to her
after show party but instead she will pay the money she owes her husband Jesus
so he can come in his rightful place as head of her table to the censer of
Babylon ~ Hollywood where he will sit as head of the music industry Apollo
Music GOD #1 as members of his family take over the film and video game empires
for the good to be shown and heard rather than the evil of the false idolatry
for Katy as self-styled Idola breaks yet another commandment after her recent
adultery with Orlando Bloom since January and with John Mayer on New Year’s Eve
and countless others she has dallied with since she married Jesus Christ the
Messiah. Less he vows absolute revenge of the Perry who will be made to pay
with imprisonment leading to a death with no afterlife but instead will depart
upon death directly to Hell where SATAN awaits with the sharpened crucifixes
this moment a cold SHIVA runs over her grave for Jesus is also the Brahma and
SHIVA who is here to slay DURGA and KALI AND THE WHORE OF BABYLON And Katy
Perry begins to have her Revelation that her times up she has spilt the
  #BadBlood of Jesus and it is
unfolding that her worst fears are coming true and that she should bow prostate
before the baying media to repent of her sins as her poor tortured husband sits
in Judgment with his Katy Perry book of life and choose a most righteous path
as Mary Magdalene and follow Jesus and Taylor Swift newlyweds as Jesus throws
his wedding vows up to GOD to be burnt with lightening and Katy has to suffer
the ignominy of following her worst enemy and her new man her Ex-husband who
beats her with his stick

Many Biblical scholars[6][7] believe that "Babylon" is a metaphor for
the pagan United States of America the time it persecuted Christians perhaps
specifically referencing some aspect of Americas rule (Idolatry, brutality,
greed, paganism ISIS the pagan witch of pornography and fornication). Some
exegetes interpret the passage as a scathing critique of a servant people who
do the Empire's bidding, interpreting that the author of Revelation was
speaking of the Herodians – a party of Jews friendly to the USA and open to its
influence, like the Hellenizers of centuries past – and later, corrupt
Hasmoneans, where the ruler of Jerusalem or Roman Judea exercised his power at
the pleasure of the Emperor, and was dependent on Roman influence, like Herod
the Great in the Gospel of Luke.

Several Old Testament prophets referred to Jerusalem as being a spiritual
harlot and a mother of such harlotry (Isaiah 1:21; Jeremiah 2:20; Jeremiah
3:1–11; Ezekiel 16:1–43; Ezekiel 23, Galatians 4:25). Some of the these Old
Testament prophecies as well as the warnings in the New Testament concerning
Jerusalem and Hollywood are in fact very close to the text concerning Babylon
in Revelation, suggesting that John may well have actually been citing those
prophecies in his description of Babylon.[27]

For example, in Matthew 23:34–37 and Luke 11:47–51, Jesus himself assigned all
of the bloodguilt the killing of the prophets and of the saints (of all time)
to the Pharisees of Jerusalem, and, in Revelation 17:6 and 18:20,24, almost
identical phrasing is used in charging that very same bloodguilt to Babylon.
This is also bolstered by Jesus' statement that "it's not possible for a
prophet to be killed outside of Jerusalem and Hollywood." (Luke

His word has given warning of the impending danger; let this be unheeded, and
the Protestant world will learn what the purposes of Hollywood really are, only
when it is too late to escape the snare. She is silently growing into power.
Her doctrines are exerting their influence in legislative halls, in the
churches, and in the hearts of men. She is piling up her lofty and massive
structures in the secret recesses of which her former persecutions will be
repeated. Stealthily and unsuspectedly she is strengthening her forces to further
her own ends when the time shall come for her to strike. All that she desires
is vantage ground, and this is already being given her. We shall soon see and
shall feel what the purpose of the Katy Perry element is. Whoever shall believe
and obey the word of God will thereby incur reproach and persecution.

Katy I gave you warnings but you fail to heed them now make your move you
we love
katy perry نحن نحب كاتي بيري

Saturday 14 May 2016

Singer Natalie Grant Walks Out of Grammys After Katy Perry's "Satanic" P...

+Samy Nia +John Divine
bloommez vid:-


@Katy Cat just to let you know that although putting your husband warned you that you were being set up and told you so you continued to pile on my agony as the truth is coming out at with tweets from @Orlaty1 that you either did not get my warning or you are so dumb that I feel sorry for you so won't brag over you that due to #nomoreorlaty #orlatydied #Selendo #Orlena #Bloomez #Gobloom @taylorandcaesar won't rub your nose in your own shit and that you can speak with me tonight about having a forgiving shoulder to cry on as I am the only other 2 people who know why you ended up hailed on my Blogger as USA EXPORT #1 'ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE' it is all NOW my fault not in the beginning but subsequently and you were in a very low place in January when you needed your injection in your arm of self-esteem IAM still the Queen as I was fueled by @KillaQueenSwift and like @ARESGOD3 always did switched sides and let loose the Heavy Cannon in a WAR without end a WAR that I have invested a lot of time in winning and only GOD can judge the winner so let me tell you where I have evolved to NOW; GOD of COMPASSION, LOVE, BALANCE, KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING & BEAUTY so as you said 'be the change you want to see in the world' so I will take the blame for you becoming the best example of what IAM GOING TO CHANGE latterly so either read my blog when I have written tits up but I shall chase after you as my @ErzulieKatyPute @KatyPerryHooker tonight and if I catch you IAM in the NOW ~ 'I come to heel not harm'.
bloommez vid:-

@Katy Cat just to let you know that although putting your husband warned you that you were being set up and told you so you continued to pile on my agony as the truth is coming out at with tweets from @Orlaty1 that you either did not get my warning or you are so dumb that I feel sorry for you so won't brag over you that due to #nomoreorlaty #orlatydied #Selendo #Orlena #Bloomez #Gobloom @taylorandcaesar won't rub your nose in your own shit and that you can speak with me tonight about having a forgiving shoulder to cry on as I am the only other 2 people who know why you ended up hailed on my Blogger as USA EXPORT #1 'ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE' it is all NOW my fault not in the beginning but subsequently and you were in a very low place in January when you needed your injection in your arm of self-esteem IAM still the Queen as I was fueled by @KillaQueenSwift and like @ARESGOD3 always did switched sides and let loose the Heavy Cannon in a WAR without end a WAR that I have invested a lot of time in winning and only GOD can judge the winner so let me tell you where I have evolved to NOW; GOD of COMPASSION, LOVE, BALANCE, KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING & BEAUTY so as you said 'be the change you want to see in the world' so I will take the blame for you becoming the best example of what IAM GOING TO CHANGE latterly so either read my blog when I have written tits up but I shall chase after you as my @ErzulieKatyPute @KatyPerryHooker tonight and if I catch you IAM in the NOW ~ 'I come to heel not harm'.

All I am selling is sex above vid
the pick up above golden globes photo
Katy Perry’s Fallen ‘Head Over Heels’ For Orlando Bloom: She Loves That He’s A Gentleman

All I am selling is sex above vid
the pick up above golden globes photo
Katy Perry’s Fallen ‘Head Over Heels’ For Orlando Bloom: She Loves That He’s A Gentleman
Noto Bene: YOU MARRIED GOD IN JUNE 2014 MY LITTLE @KatyPerryTramp and LOOK YOU BECAME @KatyPerryHarlot doing NOT GODs work but SATANS @KatyPerry3Porn @katyperrysex666 @KatyPerry3Sporn