Wednesday 30 March 2016

Illuminati 2017: Predictions!! We must reach mass awareness! WATCH NOW!!!

Published on 27 Oct 2013
The video you are CURRENTLY WATCHING explains the corruption of GOVERNMENT. To see the POINT and see how to stop the problem watch these videos:
This video is even better (Exposes everything and tells you how to stop the Communist Illuminati New World Order)
And this video here shows both Republican and Liberal presidential candidates are the same:

Follow us on Facebook at these two pages!

Also for Youtube channel recommendations I strongly recommend these following channels: Larken Rose, Stefan Molyneux, ThatGuyT, TL;DR, RedsilverJ, and Teamwakeemup
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Tuesday 29 March 2016

Do You Think Justin Bieber is a Girl and Miley Cyrus is a Boy-You're Pro...

IMPORTANT VIDEO FOR CHRISTIANS: Understanding the Times & Our Identity i...

NO KatyCat you’re not Magic you're an illusion with a BIG
FAT CHARGECARD to boost posts for LIKES, you are a MK Ultra CIA agent who uses
drum beats and Solfeggio tones to 'lock in the minds of kids and inner child’s
the men are mind controlled by shaking 5 year old computer generated fantasies
in primary colours and a hidden symbolism of the mystery religions the Kabballah
and of the ancients of the middle east all of pagan origin. You mix up witch
crafted spells and have an advisor who is an expert in manifestation as are
your IT systems the computer generated fiction and you utilize the phoney black
magic from the fallen angels ~ demons ~ devils and I have got The real SATAN
your master in physical form lying on my single bed who said if I ever get
upset emotionally by you he would send a 650 foot doggie monster to crush you
like powder and I would normally be smoking the peace pipe [Blunt] with Lucifer
who lives 200 yards away from my front door. You yourself offered to fund your
own security unit that formed in front of your eyes on Facebook Knights Templars who have 3 Knights of the round
table King Arthur, Sir Lancelot, Sir Galahad and the personal bodyguard I
offered you Samson the strongest man in History the other bodyguard I offered
you was Sparta and IAM

the greatest fighter in human history slayer of Achilles at Troy, Gorgons, Titans
and Cyclops but the Knights Templars secret held for 850 years is that your
John Rumary
of Jesus College, Oxford soon to be JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR is none other than Baphomet the old Goat you sold your
soul to [or thought you had, were told]. NO it is not Magic that put you on the
POP TARTS MAP you and Capital Records PAID for your success as a number 1 on
Billboard costs $136,000 which is the sort of money I have spent stuffing snow
powder up my left nostril just 4 kicks in a couple of months. You with all the
trappings of money, power and trickery at your disposal were stuck at maximum
earnings $45million for 3 years until you married the true magician
ApolloMusicGod who almost went insane manifesting you into the highest paid
entertainer in the world $135,000,000 releasing NO Music but giving it away
with the #1 female tour in the world where in 2 years that it took you to sell
the same about of tickets that Robbie Williams sells in one night in the UK and
gave you what no one else had been able to do
Love Breaker
but not just an ordinary love [SADE] NO GODS LOVE the most
special Gift of all for GOD invented it the strongest force in the Universe.
Your success on the stats begun the morning after the GIG I got you the biggest
GIG in History and my first choice Queen Rihanna the Superb Owl witchcraft
extravaganza where GOD stayed up for 5 nights so as not to miss it but
discovered his KatyCat Hudson <3:xD was not even going to do the Gig until
he intervened on the Saturday morning and got you promoted to your WHAT? 'Finest
pop where I witnessed what I thought was a Peruvian Mad Dog
KatyCat performed simulated anal/oral sex with the Lucifer image black man
offering your body and kneeling not only in the cocksucker position but the
were the Whore of Babylon the slut I had the most amount of pleasure running
through with my spear the last time I had seen her ~ all this infront of an
audience of 125million half of them MY CHILDREN. You opened up a Portal to
Jupiter to allow SATAN to descend and also allow Reptillian Aliens come and
steal our crystals which IS THE ENERGY SOURCE of mankind and leave with the
Earth's Gold supply mined so far which keeps us perfectly aligned in the solar
system only if within the Earth's gravity field. Earth would have spun out of control
like a comet had you been successful you also went double nip slip topless in
front of my kids in the audience I have a photo on my bathroom wall CA Gurls
huh CA Sluts more like and your penultimate act was to summon Lucifer as the
floating star and I bet you had no knickers on but a week later when you had
got away with it as I could not believe you would risk upsetting the greatest
mass murderer in Human History who can kill just by thinking it you tell me IT
WAS YOU and as I ran to take an overdose in my kitchen my Radio DJ informed me
you had gone back to the home of a band member for SEX which I asked you to sue
the Radio station if it was untrue ~ you never did
a full admitter of well a long series of infidelities as you
became a serial adulterer culminating in the news today you are to announce you
are going to commit bigamy by getting married to a HERPES infected Dwarf. Your
next 'Magical move' was to become my MK Ultra mind controller where you cost me
18 months of my life and nearly smashed the brain of the Earth's saviour in
between trying to murder me. NEED I GO ON? Because we can do this all night
your catalogue of evil delivered upon me being so great that it would fill a
long book.

SETI 1 offering to AMUN and MUT

Coming Back To Life

Monday 28 March 2016

Katy Perry - ILLUMINATI 2015 Superbowl Halftime Show - EXPOSED!!!

Published on 1 Feb 2015

Here's a quick little video on my thoughts about this years Superbowl halftime show. In this video I point out some of the Luciferian symbolism I noticed, and try to expose the Illuminati propaganda.

Additional videos to check out:

Katy Perry Illuminati Puppet:

Saturn Symbolism 101:

Red and Blue Symbolism:

Why the Illuminati reveal their plans:
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COMMENTS • 1,561

The True Illuminati Meaning of The Superbowl Ritual 2015 with Katy Perry

on 3 Feb 2015

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Top comments
I just found your channel. This video is very accurate, you are not
''jumping all over the place'' at all - this is very well put together and I
bet it takes a lot of time. Take a breath, you are doing very well. Now
 Cern is about to be fired off, the mother of all portals, scary times we
live in, yet so exciting at the same time. Can't wait to see the faces of
atheists and the antichrists when the time comes. G-d Bless!

Show less
+AMonikaD thank
you!!! CERN I just did a video about and I was going to tie it in because of
the "light" BS that is going on.. However I thought it might be to
much to include all in one video! Thanks for the sub! God Bless

...I can't wait to see your video on CERN, did you post it already? And
it wouldn't be too much if you quickly mentioned it - listen, we all learn
a lot by listening, there are people out there that are still in the
process of tying loose ends for themselves and vidoes like these give a lot of
information very quickly. Those that are meant to hear will hear and find the
right path. I want to encourage you. I wish I knew how to do all this :) but I
don't. You DO! so keep at it, disregard trolls and post some more!!

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You are dead wrong
you cannot be a catholic and Freemason, it is prohibited by the Catholic
religion. If Freemasons infiltrate the catholic religion, which they do, it is
to destroy the Catholic Church.

all 11 replies 
That's if you even
heard the right one, which I doubt

Of course he's not
Catholic! Or Christian as they are the same! If anything he would be defined as
a heretic

You dug deep into the Abyss for this info. Feels like you need a bath
after wading through the cesspool of occult info. Many are only scratching the
surface. You are correct about February and Valentines Day. There is a ton of
stuff pointing to that day or the day before which is Friday the 13th. Arizona
was voted into the Union on 2/14/1912. 2/14 is also a significant with the
Hoover Dam and the new bridge that hwy "93" goes over. The dam
connects AZ and Nevada. Nevada means "snow capped" and of course AZ is
known for heat(sun devils). That makes you think of the fire and ice challenge
you talked about. Nevada was voted in on 10/31/1864. Before Perry says
"you'll be my Valentine, valentine" she says in the fist stanza
"I let my WALL come down,down." They have to use water to symbolize
their birthing. By the way from MH370 to 2/14/15 is 343 days. 343 days is
7x7x7(777). Its also the official number of "fire"fighters killed on
9/11. Also The Vatican's LUCIFER observatory is in AZ right where the indians
say another portal was. Thanks for all research and work.
"They"literally live in a different world then we do.

Show less
And how about Katy
Perry's 'Perfect Storm' and the East Coast Snowstorms. SuperBowl Champ Boston
Patriots have been getting pounded ever since the SuperBowl to now mid/late

Awesome review and
knowledge!!  Keep them coming!!

This is all a joke right? Including the comments section? 

it's not turtle, it's
turtleDOVE, Leviticus 12:8 KJV.  and you are definitely being lead by the
Holy Spirit.  I think you're right on the money, and totally NOT crazy.

Very nice! You're
giving a lot of information and it comes together. You're excited about your
work and it's exciting to hear someone who does take their work seriously. I
know how frustrating it can get trying to explain in a way people will
understand without confusing them, but your doing GREAT!

I'm here in Phx, I live only a few miles away from the stadium... As the
start of the day I start to feel disgusted at the fact that this is happening
right down the street in my hometown and there is nothing I can do to stop it.
Its such a horrible feeling!! I've always felt there was alot of Satanic
worship going on here in my hometown, Alot of truth speaking needs to happen
here! I continue to pray over my family here and this city!

Read more
all 3 replies 
+† Illuminati Bloodline that's horrible! You should try
to reach out and share with others may be they have other ways of getting
around it? I have no idea how but I know you can. Good luck and God bless!

You are a brave woman
to say anything, and smart to remind us readers to remind God to protect you,
because when Jesus is with us for big reasons, it is always too late to get out
of the muck.

does she knows what
she's doing? or are they just using her? they have millions of dollars to build
a tiger but instead they built a lion why? there's something going on here.

She once admitted in
an interview that, "I sold my soul to the devil" when her career in
Christian music failed.  Her parents are missionaries or something, so
she'd have to be super ignorant to not know something about what they set up for
her.  Even if it's just symbolism for the sake of symbolism, she should
